See how Xurmo
enables better
decision making.

Companies, large and small are using Xurmo to improve decision making and create long-term impact. But across all industries, decision makers face the kind of problems that machine learning excels at solving. Problems like churn, fraud and predictive analysis.



A Global Media House was having very poor responses to their email marketing campaigns. To overcome this, the client wanted to personalize the email subject lines in order to be more relevant to the user. They wanted to be able to predict which product and in turn what subject line for that product, a customer would be more likely to respond to.


To do this, they used the Machine Learning algorithms of Xurmo to analyse previous purchasing behaviour of all their customers to come up with a model that accurately predicted which email subject lines (for a particular product) fit which user profile. It only took a few days to build and deploy the model in an end user application.


A 10% increase in the number of responses to their emails